Hang trousers neatly by the hem and say good-bye to unsightly knee wrinkles forever. Bring warmth and elegance to your closet with this wooden hanger.
Little princesses deserve a well-organized closet too. Generally designed for more fitted clothing, this wooden hanger can also be used for girl's skirts and adds warmth to any closet.
This warm, always-reliable wooden hanger gives shirts their rightful place in a well-organized closet.
Suits require special attention, and jackets need curved support to keep the shape of the shoulders intact. Bring warmth and elegance to your closet with this always-reliable wooden hanger.
Your suits, coats and cardigans need curved support to maintain the shape of their shoulders, while their matching pants and skirts need strong clips that won't leave a mark. Bring warmth and elegance to your closet with this always-reliable wooden hanger.